Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic
Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109).
Recognize decision requirement: What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding to outsource labor to developing countries? Include the following:
- Diagnosis and analysis of causes: If labor outsourcing to developing countries is a legitimate business strategy, how can it be handled without risk of running into a sweatshop scandal?
- Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to avoid, reduce or eliminate sweatshops?
Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for outsourcing for companies in developed countries, including whether or not to maintain or implement the same high labor standards and regulations as in the home countries. - Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best for outsourcing for companies in the United States?
- Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?
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