TED Talk

Self Confidence Essay.

Self Confidence Essay.  I need you to write about a video that is talking about self confidence .What did you learn from today’s speaker? https://youtu.be/w-HYZv6HzAs Answer preview: word limit:269

Discussion: Cultural Borders and the Single Story

Discussion: Cultural Borders and the Single Story For our TED discussion this week, I want us to watch one of my favorite talks by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This talk is pretty widely seen, so you may have even watched it before. This TED talk doesn’t necessarily clearly define cultural borders, but it does … Read more

Ted talk discussion-Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success

Ted talk discussion-Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success DIRECTIONS: For our TED Talk discussion this week, please watch the following video where we continue the discussion on grit and academic success. This impassioned talk, Bettina Love, professor of Education, explains how students who identify with Hip Hop culture have been ignored or deemed deficient in … Read more

Stephen Colbert Discussion

Stephen Colbert Discussion Piggybacking off of Bettina Love’s TED talk about Hip Hop and predictors of success, I wanted to share with you a video of Stephen Colbert discussing the intersection of a Chance the Rapper/Childish Gambino song, Gilbert & Sullivan, and Lord of Rings in a very cool speech about language. You can earn 5 … Read more

English Discussion on education.

English Discussion on education. After you read the two articles and the transcript that I attached, answer the following questions. In your own words, what is the purpose of education? Why is it important to get an education? What is at least one thing from each of the sources that stood out to you? (This … Read more

Discussion: Skin Color and Family

Discussion: Skin Color and Family Answer each question in approximately 1 paragraph. REVIEW: In the reading “Doing Fieldwork” (assigned in Week 3), you learned about “thick description” (Geertz 1973), which describes a specific type of writing that explains not only the behavior or cultural event but also the context and interpretations that infer the internal … Read more

Analyze one debatable claim from the Ted talk

Analyze one debatable claim from the Ted talk Over the next several weeks, you will be developing an analysis of a debatable claim. You will select a TED Talk that presents a persuasive argument on a debatable issue. Be sure to record the title, speaker information, and URL for your selected TED Talk. In a … Read more

Discuss The Power of Introverts

Discuss The Power of Introverts Watch this powerful TED talk from Susan Cain, and answering questions below with 400 words. https://youtu.be/c0KYU2j0TM4 Share your views on the respective powers of extroverts and introverts. Try to focus more specifically on some key OB concepts such as performance, communication or leadership Support your opinion with your personal experience or … Read more

Ted Talk Discussion

Ted Talk Discussion Watch the TED Talk by Karen Thompson Walker entitled “What Fear Can Teach Us.” and answer the below questions. https://www.ted.com/talks/karen_thompson_walker_what_fear_can_teach_us Questions What is the speaker’s main argument? Or what is her thesis? Name at least 3 specific examples/pieces of evidence she uses to support her argument? What was the biggest takeaway that … Read more

Why Privacy Matters

Why Privacy Matters Please watch and read the transcript to the TED Talk by Greenwald before responding to the following in at least three well-developed paragraphs: ●How does Greenwald situate himself in the global debate surrounding privacy? What is this debate and how does he challenge a “common sentiment/worldview/mentality” that comes from it? ●How does … Read more