Social Work Assignment

Social Work Assignment

Please make sure you read it properly. It’s a 2500 word assignment, so I need at least 7-8 references. Please make sure the references are valid and are from Google scholar only. The topic I want you to choose for this assignment is – Children of family violence. I have also attached the three articles for this topic that you need to use for the second part which is article review and summary of practice principles. You are required to summarise one to three practice principles from each piece of literature. I found the practice principles in each article. The first article ( empowering young people ) – This article has 6 principles starting from page 176 (building safety and trust and so on). Just choose any 3 of these and summarise them in your own language. The second article (promoting resilience) – The principles I want you to choose in this one are – involve the members, expressive skills and focusing skills. Summarise these three in your own language. The third article (children, family violence) – The principles in this one are given under the Do’s section on page 88. Choose any 3 of these from the Do’s section and summarise them. The first part requires you to write a 500 word document based on my leadership preferences and styles. For this, I will be sending you screenshots of the group leadership inventories filled by me. So please use that to write part one. I will send you that via email. And please make sure you see the marking rubric and do the assignment accordingly. I want good grades in this assignment please.

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