Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

1. Social Media Zones
We have discussed various uses of social media for personal and commercial purposes. Compare
and differentiate between the four social media zones and demonstrate how each one can be
developed by a company to improve its social interaction with new and existing customers. For
each social media zone, propose an example channel. (15%)
2. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning in Social Media Marketing
a. Differentiate between audience segmentation, targeting, and positioning and explain why it is
crucial for a successful social media marketing strategy to use this process. (10%)
b. For your targeting, the creation of buyer personas in social media marketing are crucial. Argue
for or against the importance of buyer personas in social media marketing. Would it be beneficial to
re-visit your buyer personas in the post-COVID19 lockdown world? Provide appropriate evidence
from course readings or discussions to support your argument. (20%)
3. “Old” & “New” Communication
Justify by example (from the course or a realistic situation), how social media marketing (new
communication) and the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) process challenge traditional
marketing (old communication) activities and patterns. (15%)
4. Social Media Marketing Strategy
You are a new colleague in the marketing department of a mid-sized, traditional company
operating in the UK. The company is doing great in its own market and is well known within their
industry in the whole country. Nevertheless, they now want to expand their business into other
countries. Their marketing so far was more traditional and they started with social media just half a
year ago.

The company has created various channels and the marketing manager is posting from time-to-
time, here and there, some actual topics. One of the tasks you were hired for is to improve the

social media presence of the company. Unfortunately, the CEO of the company is no marketing
guy and does not know anything about social media and during the first meeting with him he asks
you how you want to approach your new tasks.
Demonstrate to the CEO why it is so important to have an own social media marketing strategy
additionally to the general Marketing Strategy. Focus on at least four of the eight steps of the
social media marketing strategy to illustrate to him how your next steps will look like and
highlight what you will need to move on with your social media strategy. When possible make
references to other companies discussed in the course to illustrate how the foundation for a
successful social media marketing strategy can look like. (40%)

Assessment Brief
Academic Year 2020-2021

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5. Social Media Marketing Plan
In your new job as social media marketing manager within a start-up company for e-scooters you
were hired to bring the communication of the company forward as the brand is not known at all so
far. One of your major tasks is to choose what channels you will focus on in the future. Your
company is based in Pasadena, CA and the price range of your scooters is from $500 (entry
model) to $2500 top model. For their first big promotion you want to push for the first time the
company’s social media content and advertisements with focus on the big cities San Francisco,
LA, San Diego. What you know so far is that your target audience has roughly the following basic
a. Male and Female
b. Age: 18-35
c. Job status: Students, employed, having their own startup, often at the start or in the first
years of their career
d. Mostly single, some in a relationship but not married, no children
e. Education: College and higher
f. Behavior: They love to try out new ways to move around the city and use alternatives to
public transport. Usually, they go with their bike around the city as they do not have a
car. They rather use Uber or car sharing models. It is important for them to be flexible
and they prefer a rather environmentally friendly lifestyle. They are quite often on social
media to talk with friends and share their daily life. An environmentally friendly lifestyle
is preferred, they always are open for new technologies that makes their life more
convenient and efficient.

You want to make everything right as good as you can with the existing data you know about your
customers (see statistic overview attached). Argue what two channels you would choose to focus
on. Illustrate two more steps of the social media marketing plan for the chosen channels and
how your actions look like. Provide appropriate evidence from course readings or discussions to
support your arguments. (40%)
This assignment should be answered entirely on a one single Word.docx document (not including
the cover or title page, table of contents, bibliography or appendix).
Structure of the Assignment
1. Obligatory: Question 1 (15%); Question 2 (15%); Question 3 (30%)
2. Please choose one: Question 4 or 5 (40%).
• Max word count: 750 per question (equivalent to ~11⁄2 pages of A4 with single spacing)
3. Cover page: The first page must contain the full name of the student, the logo of the school
as well as the name of the course and the name of the professor.
4. Main answers clearly numbered and,
– Use sub-headings as you see fit.
– Use figures, tables, etc. as you see fit.
– Bibliography: You should use the Harvard Referencing System.
5. Appendix (if needed)

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