Write an essay on social activism.

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Type of assignment:Essay
Academic level:University Level, Bachelor’s
Referencing style:APA
Number of sources:10
Client country:

Australia (UK English)

Assignment extract:

General Assessment criteria:
Your essays will be assessed according to how you have:

Addressed the question and covered the topic
Argued your case based on the evidence/ideas you cite
Critically analysed and used the relevant literature
Expressed your ideas clearly and succinctly and in logical sequence
Demonstrated your overall understanding of the subject matter of the unit, including theoretical cultural concepts
Presented your work in terms of organization of material, grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation of sources etc
Complied with the UNE Referencing Guide and complied with the UNE Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct policy.

Topic 1

Discuss some of the ways Western and other foreign cultural elements have been incorporated into the popular cultures of China, Indonesia and Japan. How do these elements interact with Asian cultures? Do Asians accept foreign cultural elements without criticism or opposition?

In your answer, you should apply key theoretical concepts introduced in this unit, and include examples from all three countries to illustrate your points.


Topic 2

Discuss the ways cultural actors (activists) and creators in China, Indonesia and/or Japan express social criticisms through their work.

You must include examples from at least two of the three  countries (China, Indonesia and Japan), and at least two of the forms of cultural expression studied in this unit (films, literature and popular culture).



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