Sex Therapy MFT/LCSW

Sex Therapy MFT/LCSW

Please answer the 4 questions below the questions are 3 separate questions that must be answered separately. Answer must be 200 word minimum and should go with reading. All questions must have 1 in text cite and have a reference.

1)A couple comes into therapy with a presenting problem regarding the amount of sex they both want. Kathy would like to have sex daily. George prefers sex once a month. What is the process you would use in the first session to understand this couple? What are some of the techniques you would use with this couple? Defend your point of view.

Video to help with question

Katz, Steven (2017, May 2). Sex therapy in Hawaii. Retrieved from (28:25) May 2, 2017 Sex Therapy in Haiwaii

2)Please watch the series of short videos by Michael Perelman, PhD, a sex therapist, and the co-director of the Human Sexuality Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital/ Weill Cornell Medical Center. The famous Dr. Ruth also makes an appearance in one of the videos. He describes the work of a sex therapist and discusses some specific points about sex therapy and sexual dysfunction. After watching some of the videos (watch as many as you like, it’s up to you) what points did you find informative that perhaps you would research further or consider using in your own work with clients in the future? Is anyone in the class considering becoming a sex therapist?

Video to help with question

Videos: Perelman, M. [Michael Perelman]. (No Date). Inside the office of a sex therapist [Video File]. Retrieved from

3)A new client, and their partner, came in and reported being raped by a stranger. The individual and the couple are struggling and there are signs of trauma and anxiety in the relationship. Based on the readings and the MFT model chart, what approach would you use with this client in the first session and subsequent sessions. What are important considerations you would take in approaching this client and what role would you need to have as a therapist to be effective with this couple?

Reading to help with question

Bagley, B. & Diambra, J. (2016). Counseling survivors of sexual assault. Counseling Today.

Retrieved from

Carr, A. (2014). The evidence base for couple therapy, family therapy and systemic interventions for adult-focused problems. Journal of Family Therapy, 36, 107-157.

Retrieved from Academic Search Complete Database in the Touro Library.

Witting, A. B., Jensen, J. & Brown, M. (2016). Evaluating the utility of MFT models in the treatment of trauma: Implications for affect regulation. Contemporary Family Therapy, 38(3), 262-271. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete Database in the Touro Library.

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sex therapy

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