Robert F. Williams’ -Negros with Guns

Robert F. Williams’  –Negros with Guns

Robert F. Williams (1925-1996) was a pioneer activist in behalf not just of African American freedom and civil rights, but indeed human rights throughout the world.  He was controversial because of his promotion of what he termed the “armed self-defense” of minority communities, particularly black communities in the American South in the post-WWII era, places like his hometown of Monroe, North Carolina.  Your task in this assignment is to read Williams’ 1962 pamphlet, Negroes with Guns, including the Foreword and Introduction, and then write a 2-3 page essay that addresses the following questions.

1) After reading the Foreword and Introduction, explain who Robert F. Williams was.  For example, what did he do with his life that makes him the subject of historians and other academics and political activists?  What does he contribute to your understanding of American history?

2) After reading the main document by Williams himself, explain what you understand to be his position on “armed self-defense,” and on non-violent political activism.  Do you agree or disagree with his positions?  Explain in detail, employing brief quotes from the text to help in elaborating your answer here.  No footnotes are necessary for quotations, a simple page number in parentheses will suffice, i.e. (22).

3) Do you find any parts of Williams’ argument to be relevant today in the United States?  Would you recommend that people in minority communities read his pamphlet?  Why or why not?

It has been asked for us to write 2-3 long essay paper answering some questions about the book.

I uploaded the book for you also if said there give a quote provide one

for question 3 I want to take a position our instructor prefer to be yes

one more thing I want you to connect question 1 to Martin Luther King

and as I told you please try to take all the info from the book, not internet


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