Response to Partner on cultural borders and identity.
Step 4: Once you are done commenting, go onto the next page (add a new page to the writer’s essay) and answer the following questions:
- Does the writer begin with a story? Is it an effective story? What details could the writer add to it?
- Does the writer have a clear thesis that makes some kind of argument about cultural borders and the way they help shape our identities?
- Does the writer have three main claims or points?
- Is each of the main claim or point supported by either personal experiences and/or cited sources (from class or from the writer’s own research)? Is the support effective/convincing? Are there places where better support is needed?
- Does the writer have a conclude the script in a way that leaves you thinking/gives you a sense of finality?
- What would you say are the talk’s greatest strengths? What did the writer do particularly well?
- What should the writer focus on most as they revise the the script? What can be most improved?
Answer preview:
word limit:1598