Respond to Discussion about education.

Respond to Discussion about education.

Please Respond to the two posts with at least 150 words for each respond:

Post #1:

I think the purpose of education is to expand our minds. If we do not push ourselves to be disciplined, our minds will not be able to expand. If we do not push ourselves to learn something different or harder than what we know, our minds will not expand. What I mean by expanding our mind is being OK and comfortable with different, races, colors, and cultures. We will be mentally mature and stable to see different points of views, perspectives and be able to collectively come together as a nation and make decisions that will be great for everyone. Without expanding our minds our world is never going to change for the better. It will stay stagnant and prehistoric and nothing will change. It is important to get an education because I want to see a future where my kids will be able to see new frontiers discovered by our NASA explorers or a female as a first lady. Maybe my own child will be first lady or exploring new frontiers but that all would be available through education and good character.

The first thing that stood out to me in the Pierson Ted talk was the comment about the teacher who said they were just there to get paid, teach a lesson and the child should learn it. That made me so upset. There are so many teachers in the education system like this and this has got to stop. They need to understand that a good educator could make it or break it for the student’s whole educational career. From Dr. King’s article, what stood out to me was that we are dealing with the same thing Dr. King was dealing with back in 1947. Which is that a great majority of our educated people do not think logically or scientifically. What stood out to me about the Gaiman lecture was the correlation between illiterate children and Americas prison system. I could not believe that they were able to predict this from children not knowing how to read. This piece of information alone should have more of a value on America’s politicians instead of corporate America.

Dr. Kings text and Ms. Pierson’s speech related to me on many levels. I have always loved education not because of it itself but because of the educators. In my short or long 25 years of life, I have met so many teachers, coaches and counselors who have poured their passion of teaching into me. They showed me how I could do the things I said I could not do. They showed me their happiness when that something clicked in my head, and I could not comprehend why someone who was not my family or friend could be so happy for my success. On the contrary, I have also met those who have made me hate a subject. I would not say hate but strongly dislike. I have been a swimmer my whole life, so when high school came around and I could try something other than swim, which was water polo, I jumped in. Literally. Sadly, it ended due to a coach who had nothing but words of negativity to throw at me. After that trial, I strongly disliked the sport. It should not be like that. As examples, we should lead by example for our students and if we show them negativity they will not rise to a good example.

The quote most significant in Rita Pierson’s speech was ” You made me feel like I was somebody, when I knew at the bottom that I wasn’t. This was from one of her mother’s students to her mother. I felt that. I have felt that before as well. Educators should empower their students and have a love and drive for that empowering moment. That A-HA moment if you will. In Dr. Kings speech, the one quote that stood out to me was “the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically”. I feel like this is true because it is not only important to think intensively and critically but to think with intention. Education is more than just reading and writing but putting these thoughts into actions. Gaiman’s quote that stood out to me was “The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity”. I chose this because I feel like children do learn through modeling. As a swim instructor I would see parents on their phone and as soon as kids would get out of the water, they would ask for their parents ‘phone. This is all done through modeling. Kids are sponges and they pick up everything that parents and good leaders do.

My biggest takeaway from all these articles and videos was that education can make a big impact on the lives of children and young adults, if done correctly. What I mean by done correctly is by having the correct support system to push and good influences in our lives to show us right from wrong. There were plenty of things that made me feel upset like the fact that some educators feel like they are just here to pick up a paycheck and if whether the child learns or not, that is on them. And if that one child does not learn to read then there will be a likely probability that they will be falling into the American prison system. These facts all made me confirm that I want to continue my journey as an educator and hopefully I can make an impact on someone one day.

I felt strange about this topic. It made me feel upset but at the same time it motivated me to keep pushing forward and to eventually get to my goal where I can make a change. I want to help people become educated all while teaching them to be good human beings with a good heart and values. It was easy to read because I liked the topic, but what I was reading is what was hard. Firstly, Dr. King is going through the same thing that we are going through. There are people leading the country who are extremely educated but they lack morals and character. We need to educate our children so that people like this are not in control. I liked that I felt that there were so many positive mindsets behind education and there are people out there who love to teach, love to share their knowledge and passion for knowledge. This is what is needed in our world to progress. I can make connections with Rita Pierson because I have had so many teachers in my life that made me feel like a champion. I would literally feel like Rocky at the top of the stairs just by typing a paper. I loved feeling like that and I could relate to the passion she sees in her students.

Post #2:

The purpose of education to learn important material that will help you be successful in life. Education is important. Education gives us a better understanding of the world around us. It also changes our world into something better. It helps us make our own opinions and have different points of view.

  1. King means that some educated people do not have a literate culture, and this will affect the future of society, Garima enormously and obviously: I’m an author, often an author of fiction. I write for children and for adults. For about thirty years I have been earning my living through my words, mostly by making things up and writing them down. It is obviously in my interest in people to read, for them to read fiction, for libraries and librarians to exist and help foster a love of reading and places in which reading can occur. The most spicily thing Rita was she was a teacher and she loved teaching, and also her parent were teachers.
  2. In my opinion, both of them attract the reader in a special way for education and motivate people to read.
  3. This quote for king Pag 123 “sent us away humiliated, frustrated, insulted, and without hope of redress” and quote Gaiman Pag 9 “If you want your children to be intelligent,” this quote for Rita Well, I said to her, “You know, kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” This time 1:33.
  4. The biggest thing that I knew from my understanding of the subject had to be respect and love, because this is the greatest understanding between people. This is strengthening community relation.
  5. I felt good I like this thing so much and was enjoying it. It was not easy because it takes a lot of time and I was trying to overcome it. The thing that about all of them was the motivation pf people to learn and develop themselves. I like Rita words when she said she had a friend who once told her not to pay me to love student they pay me to teach me a lesson, and the student must learn it. The case ended and her response was nice she told her that student do not learn from someone they do not like. I have learned from those who know all this to work on changing myself for the better.

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