Research-Problem Statement, Goals, Intervention

Research-Problem Statement, Goals, Intervention

Topic: Training Health Professionals who serve people with Intellectual Development Disability (IDD) to better assist their patients with IDD through Psychological Management Interventions.

Objective: Create healthy eating behavioral strategies or program for people with IDD eat healthy foods and help manage their weight.

Goal: Create behavioral interventions that work for people with IDD in New Jersey


1. Problem Statement (300 word limit)

  • Define the problem or need. What is the problem faced by the community (New Jersey) this organization serves that is not currently be met? The funder is not interested in paying for you to replicate a service, resource or action that is already being done.
  • Cite 1 – 3 sources which document this problem. This is not a research paper. Keep this part short and to the point, but you do need some evidence that there is a problem. Include the references in a reference list at the end of the proposal.

2. Goals and Objectives of your proposed program (300 word limit)

  • What is the goal of the intervention or activity that you are proposing you will do? In other words, what is the main outcome to be achieved if they give you the money? You most likely will have only have one goal, since this is a small grant.
  • List at least one specific objective for each goal that you name. These are more specific, concrete, action-oriented steps you will take to meet the goal.
  • Make SURE that your goals and objectives match the funder’s priorities. After listing the goals/objectives, explain how achieving them will meet the priorities of the funder.

3. Description of the Intervention/Activity (800 words)

  • Be complete, but brief. This is hard to do. After writing your initial draft, go through it to see how many words you can remove and if there are unnecessary details that can be deleted.
  • This part has to make sense and be very organized. Have others read it and tell you what they think you are planning to do. If what they say is off-base, then you haven’t done a good job of explaining your proposed actions.
  • Write in a direct style. For example, “If I receive the funding, I will use the money to create an 8-hour, online training module that will be hosted on the organization’s platform. I will enroll 100 community members to complete the training at no cost to them. etc…

Requirements: 1-2 pages

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word limit:1500