Research Methodology-Questionnaire design and development

Research Methodology-Questionnaire design and development

Write a 500-600 words part in thesis methodology section called “Questionnaire design and development”. In this part, write few sentences first about the city which the sample was drawn from (which is Muscat the capital city of Oman) and why it was chosen (I chose Muscat because it’s where the robot service restaurants are located and because its convenient for me because its where i live), then write about the design of the survey and the types of questions used in it which you can all see from this survey link: . And then write about the items/statements used in the survey and from which sources they were brought (which you will find in the attached word file called “items & their sources).

you will find also attached an example paper (look at the Questionnaire design and development part) which i’d like this written similarly to.

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