Research and write a case study on Macy’s data breach
For this assignment, refer to the assigned Readings & Resources. Using the American Advertising Federation Principles, the IAB Native Ad Evaluation Framework and the PRSA Professional Code of Ethics provided, research a recent example of unethical brand communications as defined by the AAF, IAB or PRSA. Your example shouldbe recent in order to address current issues in digital media, privacy and branded content – no more than two years old, and from a credible source such as the New York Times media section,ADWEEK,Advertising Age, BRANDWEEK, or other professional publication or website.
I would like to use Macys and their data breach as the example to write about.
Important: Please use the same example for your assignment as used for the discussion – the feedback from classmates and your instructor will be helpful in writing a quality essay.
Then in an essay, answer the following questions/prompts:
- Provide a summary of your example, including the client, agency and brand communication involved. Evaluate the critical ethical issues which are relevant to your example by citing the specific AAF, IAB principles and/or PRSA ethical codes that have been violated.
- Reflect upon your own personal values. What if you were working there? What would you have done? Provide a detailed recommendation on how the brand communication decision should have been handled by the agency or firm involved in such a way that is guided by the AAF, IAB and PRSA principles.
Completed essays should be a minimum of 3 pages of content, written in MLA format with a Works Cited added as the 4th (last) page.