Reflection on good research strategies.

Reflection on good research strategies.

Reflection (3-step Method):
Good reflection involves critical, independent thought in response to the prompt for each
• Good entries will show that you are thinking seriously about your development as a researcher, and that you
are trying to connect ideas from RD1 to your own context and personal research journey.
• Good reflective writing involves explaining at least three (3) things to a reader:
® Describe a stimulus – something that you did, or read, or thought about, or noticed (in response
to the prompt).
® Describe what this stimulus made you think about.
® Explain how these ideas might make you think differently or act differently in the future.
• This method can be applied to a single stimulus, or can be used multiple times in the drafting process to
more complex entries that bring together multiple levels of insight and reflection. Do this where possible.

Response to Foster et al. (400 words).
For this entry, we want you to respond to the claims of Foster et al. (2015) about the way external
forces – in the form of different incentives – shape the kind of research problems that people choose
to investigate. Why do researchers pursue some kinds of problems, and not others?
Prompts for reflection:
1) Reflecting on the argument of Foster et al. (2015), what external forces shape your field of
research (Nursing and Midwifery). As a steward of your field, how do you understand the
implications of these pressures?

Answer preview:

word limit:482