Presentation poster about lung cancer.
This is a biological presentation. This is way for students to associate the topics covered to everyday situations and problems Some topics include: Climate change, alternative fuels, human biome (skin, stomach saliva, uterus birth canal), spider silk, solar panels as relates to photosynthesis, genetic diseases and inheritance patterns, heavy water, mitochondrial DNA, etc. Once your group determines a final topic this will be turned into the instructor.
Written Summary (15 points/ student)
A written summary for each individual within the group will be given to the instructor at the time of the presentation (via canvas). This will be a brief description of what topics thar will be covered during the presentation. A formal outline of the poster will be turned in by one group member. This outline should include which member is describing which portion of the poster. There should also be a reference page with this outline. Use reputable resource not Wikipedia. Your group should have a minimum of 3-4 references.
Peer Evaluation of posters (5 points/group)
As part of the individual grade each student will be evaluating the group posters. There will be a rubric assigned in which the student will grade each poster. These will need to upload to canvas. The groups will only be evaluating other groups posters and not their group’s poster.
Peer Evaluation of group members (5 points/student)
At the end of the project. Each group member will have the chance of rating the participation of each group member during the project. This will be a written summary of the members in the group.
Poster Presentation (50 points)
Each group will present a poster board of their topic at the end of the semester. Each member of the group must take part in making the poster. A rubric will be given for the posters in which should be followed for grading purposes. A brief description, 5-8 minutes, of the poster will be made by the group at this time. This poster can be created in PPT or in a google doc. If you use google doc make sure that it is saved as a PDF. The final poster will be uploaded to canvas. It is important that all group members names are on the poster. An example will be provided.