For the Usability Journal assignment, you are to write three (3) journal entries.
- Each entry shall be approximately 300-400 words each.
- Each entry shall focus on an object that contains a bad usability design.
- Explain why the object being described does not maintain good usability practices.
- The deliverable shall include citable examples of best practices from academic literature explaining why the product/object does not follow best practices.
- A remote control.
- What about the remote control makes the device both a good and bad example for the usability perspective?
- Each deliverable will contain:
- Three entries with 300-400 words for EACH entry
- APA citation with examples from scholars explaining best practices that should be followed
- An example image of the bad design practice followed
- An example of good potential practices to follow
- To complete this assignment, the following must be observed.1. – Use only Peer-reviewed journals to research the above questions. (When Applicable)2. – Adhere and apply properly the Basic Citation Styles of the APA (Use as a reference the APA Manual.).3. – If you use another author’s ideas, concepts, and words, you need to cite the source and give credit to the author. Not citing in-text the source will be considered plagiarism, and you will receive zero (0) for your assignment.4. – Do not copy and paste information from the Internet. (You will receive zero (0) for your Assignment).5. – No late submission will not be accepted. 6. – This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment. This is a single submission. Late assignments will not be accepted. Check your work before submitting it. 7. – You need to use the Sample-APA-Paper provided to submit your assignment. Check for grammatical errors. 8. – Use the Sample – APA – Paper provided as a guide to submit your assignment. 8.1.- Observe the Paper Structure and Formatting. 8.2.- Make sure you observe “The Title Page and Structure.” 8.3.- Your list of references must be per APA. 8.4.- Fill in the Certificate of Authorship located at the end of the paper.
Requirements: 1200–
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