Critically discuss Polio and walking gait
Critically discuss Polio and walking gait.All writing about what is the related between walking and Childhood polio / Post-polio syndrome
I will upload 5 artictes (Should You Use It).
Main (major) key words:
1- Walking
2- Gait
3- Foot – Ankle – Knee – Hip -Shoulder _…
4- Childhood polio / Post-polio syndrome
5- injuries
6 – balance
7- Perversion – Deviations during walking.
8 – Rotation
9- Kinetic and Kinematics variables (speed gait – center of mass -ROM – displacement – distance – length of step – ……)
– What is the Childhood polio / Post-polio syndrome?
– How is it related to gait?
– How can affect their walking gait?
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