Policy Brief Analysis

Policy Brief Analysis

Part 1:Write a 1,400-word paper in which you address the following for your issue resolutions:


  • Global factors associated with each resolution
  • Final recommendation
  • Implementation plan (should the policy be adopted)
  • Communication strategy
  • Media outlet(s)
  • Central message
  • Target audience
  • Audience
  • Supporting organizations
  • Information dissemination process
  • Evaluation plan
  • Definition of outcomes
  • Plan to evaluate outcomes
  • Quantitative or qualitative approach
  • Program sustainability approach
  • Monitor cost
  • Meeting accreditation standards
  • Ethical conflict
  • Reporting results


Cite at least three scholarly sources, one of which can be Health Policy and Politics.


Format your paper according to APA guidelines.Top of Form


Part 2: A fact sheet is a document that can be left behind and highlights the key components of your health policy initiative. Although a fact sheet is not effective in communicating your initiative, it is intended to be left with the member or staff to serve as a reminder or give a nudge to action after you leave the office.


Create a 350-word fact sheet that focuses on the policy you selected in Policy Brief Part I. Follow the fact sheet criteria outlined on p. 379 of Health Policy and Politics. Click the link at the bottom of the page to access sample fact sheets.


Synthesize components from your policy brief into the following:


    • Issue summary
    • Relevant background information
    • Stakeholders
    • Alternative recommendations analysis
    • Action required

Include a title and reference page.

Requirements: 1,400 words and 350 words   |   .doc file

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