Personal Reflection on Adding Artistry to Work
For this reflection, you may consider a job that you currently have or the job/career you see yourself in after graduation.
Please consider one action or one course of action you can take to add artistry to your line of work, possibly on a day-in and day-out or regular basis as opposed to a one-time action. Please explain the process and artistry, including the ways in which you are equipped or capable of performing it. If you need training to incorporate the artistry as you see it, please note that, as well. The Pope acknowledges the prevalence of toil, and states that toil is a good. In your explanation of the artistry you plan to bring to your work, please note, at least briefly, what shape your personal toil is likely to take and how it will be a good. Please take the time to explain the difference your artistry will make on your work. (In other words, what makes your approach worthwhile and what might be lacking without your artistry?) Finally, please explain how the artistry elevates the dignity of the job, the field, and/or the work, as least as you hope it will.
Therefore, your paper will consist primarily of the following:
- What the artistic undertaking you plan to bring to your work is
- A description and explanation of the artistry as you see it in operation in your line of work
- The ways in which you are capable of pulling this off and/or the training you may need to be effective with it
- What toil will look like for you in regards to this artistic endeavor and the way(s) such toil is good
- The difference your artistry will make on your work
- How your artistry elevates the dignity of the job, the field, and/or the work
The reflection in its entirety should be no more than two, double-spaced pages with one-inch margins, written in 12-pt Times New Roman font. You may organize it as you’d like, but it must be clear, coherent, cohesive, developed, and thoughtful. As always, it must adhere to the standards of sound writing, including with regard to standard MLA, punctuation, mechanics, grammar, and spelling. There is no need to quote other sources, but if you do, cite as necessary following MLA guidelines
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