Determine the nutrient limitation in Lake Maitland, Florida

Determine the nutrient limitation in Lake Maitland, Florida

Determine the nutrient limitation in Lake Maitland, Florida.Write the abstract, introduction and results and discussion.Also, give me the sources used aside so that I can be able to do the literature cited. The other sections are already done(materials and methods) we don’t need help in that, we are just attaching the file to provide you with more information.

The purpose of the experiment was to find the limiting nutrient of the body of water that we chose. (it was a self-design experiment). We collected water from Lake Maitland, Florida with an empty bottle water. Then we chose four empty flasks and poured the water from the lake. One flask was added Nitrogen, another flask was added Phosphorous, the third flask was added both solutions, and the fourth flask only had the lake Maitland water. All the flasks were left one week in the Greenhouse and after that, they were vacuumed filtered and found that the limiting nutrient was nitrogen/phosphorous by seeing which para film was greener (indicating phytoplankton growth). The introduction needs to include why it is relevant knowing what are the limitings nutrients in the bodies of water.

Talk about three sources that relate to limiting nutrients, why limiting nutrients are important for the ecosystem and nitrogen/phosphorous being the limiting nutrient in lakes in Florida (for example: areas within the same region have the same limiting nutrient.) or others. The discussion cannot have any sources.

Introduction – This section is important because you describe what the state of research on the topic is and how you develop your question. It is where you describe why this study was done in the first place, as in “what great question will it answer”(because it was a class assignment is NOT an acceptable reason).Determine the nutrient limitation in Lake Maitland, Florida. Use these citations to provide a brief summary to put this study into perspective of other similar studies. Introductions usually start by providing background information and describing something on a broad level and gradually become narrower in focus, eventually reaching the specific role that your study plays. The introduction is essentially divided into 3 sections and a finishing statement:
I. Describe the current state of knowledge with respect to the broad topic.
II. Describe more specific aspects of the topic that give a basis for your question.
III. Set up your model system and describe your question/hypothesis.
This is sometimes done as a series of separate paragraphs with more detail about the model system and what is known. Remember you must use the literature you cite to argue the validity of your hypothesis so a good background on the topic is required.
IV. Finish the introduction by giving a brief synopsis of your question and the results of your experiment(s) in 1-2 sentences at the end.

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nutrient limitation
