Mental Health Nurse Portfolio
Explain the concept of the therapeutic use of self
2. Identify the characteristics of various mental disorders that impact on a person’s ability to think,
feel or relate effectively with others
4. Reflect on one’s use of therapeutic strategies with the assistance of clinical supervision
2. Engages in collaborative relationships
4. Develops partnerships in care with consumers, carers, focusing on the person and their right to
choice and self-determination
7. Extends the range of therapeutic interventions applied to recovery in different situations and
contexts of care
11. Engages in collaborative critical reflection on mental health nursing practice through clinical
This is a PASS/FAIL portfolio, however, you do have the opportunity to re-submit, if required. Once
you have submitted your assessment, if you are required to re-submit, there will be a request in
your portfolio grade area, for further information.
To access where your portfolio information should be stored and then submitted, you will find a link
after this page called 'access your portfolio. This will take you to the submission area for the
portfolio for this unit.
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