Discuss health inequality of indigenous Australians in rural areas
Are there differences in life expectancy? What about differences in rates of mental health diagnoses or certain diseases? Are rates of health-risk behaviours (e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption) different? Is healthcare access or utilization higher or lower (e.g., utilization of mental health services, rates of mammograms)? Historical and sociopolitical factors that may have contributed to the existence or perpetuation of the inequality must be discussed (this will be especially critical for certain topics).
Describe any current efforts to address the inequality (e.g., efforts by mental health programs, policy changes) and speculate about whether current trends are likely to continue into the future. What has the general trend been? For example, have differences in life expectancy narrowed or gotten wider? Lastly, based on the current literature, is the health inequality likely to improve, get worse, or remain stable in the future?
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