Leadership-Critical Evaluation of Theory and application to practice

Leadership-Critical Evaluation of Theory and application to practice

This is a paper done by another writer. I have attached for you the paper that was done.

The only thing i want you to assist me with is to do this part, you will find it is the 3rd part in the attached instructions:

An annotated critical evaluation of your essay (the second part ) using FOOTNOTTES to show the reader which steps on the OU’s stairway to criticality you are using in your discussion (this not part of the word count).

HR3S83 and HR3H19 Assignment Term 1 2017-18

Leadership – Critical Evaluation of Theory and Application to Practice

For those students who are studying the 20 credit version of the module this assignment is worth 50% of the marks and for those studying the 10 credit version of the module this assignment is worth 100% of the marks.

The assignment aims to test the following the learning outcomes of the module which are:

  1. Critically evaluate different organizational contexts for leadership, management and development;
  2. Critically evaluate leadership, management and development in practice.


Your assignment should be 3,000 words (+/- 10%). The assignment will be handed in electronically using Turnitin and you should check the originality score. Although the assignment is categorised as a literature review this is a broad term to encompass your task which has three elements as follows:

  1. An explanation of what critical evaluation is all about using the OU’s “Stairway to Criticality” (Open University 2013) as a framework for your application of it to your own critical evaluation in the essay (500 words);
  2. An essay whereby your critically evaluate Transformational Leadership (TL) theory and apply it to a leader of your choice and comment of the fit between theory and practice (2,500 words);
  3. An annotated critical evaluation of your essay using footnotes to show the reader which steps on the OU’s Stairway to Criticality you are using in your discussion (this is not part of the word count);


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