The Lack of African American Male Educators
Dissertation Topic: A Phenomenological Study on Student Responsiveness to African American Male Educators in the Urban vs. Suburban School Setting (The Lack of African American Male Educators in the Field)
Part 1: Locate five peer-reviewed articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic of interest you wish to explore for your dissertation research. Do not include book chapters, books, editorials, white papers, trade magazine articles, or non-peer-reviewed sources. Then, complete the following for each source in the form of an annotated bibliography:
- Begin each annotation with an APA formatted reference.
- Then, annotate the source with a block paragraph. The annotation should be double spaced, 200-250 words, including a brief synopsis of the article, the problem, the purpose, a description of the methodology, the findings, the recommendations for future research, and any particular strengths or weaknesses of the article.
Part 2: After reviewing each annotation, describe the topic you wish to explore for your dissertation research. This topic should logically flow from the gaps in the literature noted in your annotations.
Requirements: 5-7
My goal is to capture a better understanding as to why there is a lack of African American Male educators in the field. Dr. Travis Bristol has amazing articles on this theory.
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