Job Description Assignment.

Job Description Assignment.

Assignment Type

  • Individual
  • File-based
  • Due Oct 8th (by Midnight)
  • I recommend you use the Word Template below.


Select a current job posting that you would consider applying for. Write a 300-word analysis of the job description that includes details as to the extent to which the position fulfills certain criteria.

Use APA formatting.

What information should be included?

  • Mental/physical tasks involved (ranging from judging, planning and managing to cleaning, lifting, etc.)
  • How the job will be done (the methods and equipment to be used)
  • Reason the job exists (including an explanation of job goals and how they relate to other positions in the company)
  • Qualifications needed (training, knowledge, skills, and personality traits)


Tips for analyzing a job description

  • The job description is basically an outline of how the job fits in to the company and should include the job’s goals, responsibilities, and duties
  • Write down the job title and whom that person will report to
  • Develop a job statement or summary describing the position’s duties
  • Define how the job relates to other positions in the company
  • List any education requirements, desired experience and specialized skills or knowledge required.
  • Include salary range and benefits
  • List any physical or other special requirements associated with the job, as well as any occupational hazards

Where to start

To find a job you would be interested in applying for, try using the website listed here:–alumni/

Key journal article

  1. HR Guide. (2001). Job analysis: Job descriptions. Retrieved from
  2. Morgan, H. (2016, June 22). Dissecting the job posting. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from

Extra resource (video, article, book, LibGuide, PDF, etc.)

  1. University of Toronto. (n.d.). Job posting analysis. Retrieved from

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word limit:397