It’s all income flows: financialization in everyday life,

It’s all income flows: financialization in everyday life,

For this assignment, you will have to read a couple of magazine articles from Teen Vogue (Links to an external site.) and The Hechinger Report (Links to an external site.). You should also listen to the Extremely Offline (Links to an external site.) episode on higher education.

Having seen how financialization affects colleges, I want you to compare and contrast across two types of institutions: public universities and elite privates. Select one from each and look at the backgrounds of their board members / regents. Are they similar? Are they very different? How does this resonate with the readings? Are they serving the same type of students?

For information on what type of socio-economic backgrounds characterize the students at different institutions, please consult this great resource by The Upshot (Links to an external site.). There, you can see how different institutions contribute in different ways to student’s social mobility.

Public Universities:

UC System: (Links to an external site.)

Michigan: (Links to an external site.)

City University of New York: (Links to an external site.)

Texas A&M: (Links to an external site.)

Private Universities:

Stanford: (Links to an external site.)

Harvard: (Links to an external site.)

Johns Hopkins: (Links to an external site.)

Princeton: (Links to an external site.)


Requirements: Essay | 3 pages, Double spaced

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