Introduction to International Business: Lead in Toys

Introduction to International Business: Lead in Toys

Please readCase 5: “Lead in Toys and Drinking Water” available in your e-book (page no.615), and answer the following questions:

Assignment Questions:

  1. Should there be a global standard for toy manufacturing? What are some of the benefits and what are some of the drawbacks of a potential global quality and manufacturing standard? ( minimum 150 words)
  2. With some 80 percent of the toys sold in the United States being manufactured in China, should the United States place greater emphasis on its toy-trading relationship with China? Could the United States control China’s manufacturing more than it does today? How? ( minimum 200 words)
  3. The Flint, Michigan, water crisis highlighted a major issue in the United States regarding old lead-based pipes used to transport water to the community. This came to light in Flint due to the failure of applying corrosion inhibitors to the water when the city leadership decided to switch water sources. What global fail-safe mechanisms should be enforced on water consumption, and other consumable products, to safeguard from potential lead poisoning? ( minimum 150 words)


  • Referencing and in-text citation APA
  • Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
  • Without cover page or header

Requirements: 150-200   |   .doc file

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word limit:735