Demonstrate an understanding of human resource and ethics management in the workplace
Harmful conduct to corporate reputation?
After completing her Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees, Simone Prieto joined the small but
prestigious law firm of Hassard, Wolfram and Cox (HWC Law). Simone, who finished third in her law
school class, is a specialist in patent law and has been working for the firm for seven years. Simone is
single and 33 years old. By all accounts, she is an excellent lawyer. She has received several awards,
has been identified as a top lawyer in patent law by Lexpert (a practitioner magazine), and is one of the
top producers at the firm when it comes to billable hours.
A few weeks ago, the law firm became aware that Simone had posted photos on her Facebook and
Instagram accounts (whose privacy settings are restricted to "friends only"). The photos show Simone in
a number of sexually suggestive poses during her recent vacation to Mexico with friends. The most
shocking revelation, at least from the perspective of her supervisor, were three photos that show her
wearing a baseball-style hat with the HWC Law logo. In addition, Simone posted a comment that "HWC
Law is a sexist law firm that cares more about profits than it does about its people." HWC Law's human
resource and ethics policy states that "employees are prohibited from engaging in conduct that may be
harmful to the reputation of the firm." Simone, who is also a part-time model, asserts that the photos are
a form of art designed to promote her part-time career as a model, and not harmful to the reputation of
the law firm.
Consider the positions of both Simone and HWC Law.
1. Is Simone in breach of her employers human resource and ethics policy? Why or why not?
2. What discipline, if any, should be imposed on Simone?
3. What is your advice to Simone?
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