How Women’s Education Affects Child Health
The paper should be about how women’s education affects child health. The actual paper should address a more narrowly defined topic. Was there anything you would have liked to learn on this topic? Engage with at least five readings from outside academic sources (these should be peer reviewed journal articles or similar, not Wikipedia entries, blog posts, or articles in the popular press). Demonstrate your ability to synthesize information from the additional readings you cite along with the class readings. Properly cite your sources. Appropriateness of the topic. Use and citation of at least 5 outside academic sources. Application of economic theory. Style and clarity.
You should be looking for peer-reviewed articles from Economics journals for all, or at least most, of your sources. (If you can’t find five relevant sources in economics journals, try to find journals in other social science disciplines.)
A few places to look for articles:
Journal of Development Economics:
Health Economics:
Journal of Health Economics:
Economics and Human Biology:
Social Science and Medicine:
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