How the biblical concept of quality differ from the traditional business concept of quality?

How the biblical concept of quality differ from the traditional business concept of quality?

Prompt: How does the biblical concept of quality differ from that of the traditional business concept of quality?

Biblical ideals for quality find their roots in the Lord’s desire for His people to bring glory and honor to His name. Regardless of specific circumstances, Christians are called to “work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.” (Colossians 3:23-24, English Standard Version) The ultimate goal of any work should be to use it as an opportunity to showcase God’s goodness through one’s actions. With this mindset in place, it becomes simpler to focus on diligent, quality work as a means of worship. Within this same idea, quality becomes less about perfect outcomes and more about striving for continual improvement and care for anyone who is affected by the quality improvement measures being put into place. Practically, this means that sanctification working its way through the lives of Christians throughout an organization brings about quality in a way that a simple quality improvement plan could never do. Quality rooted through striving to die to sin while showing Christ’s character to the world affects every aspect of one’s life and will naturally bleed into areas of work. In my experience, this type of change lends itself to long-term improvement within an organization rather than singular fixes that may not provide individuals with great motivation for said improvement. In some scenarios, the business concept of quality can merely revolve around ensuring that consumers are satisfied with products where the biblical concept of quality might focus on ensuring that consumers are truly cared for as individuals which naturally lends itself to quality care.


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