How are the Chinese hospitals adapting successfully to the huge challenge of the pandemic?
2) New procedures in the hospitals
3) Apps for contact tracing
4) snapshot of the situation in China’s hospitals?
Plan and write a paper (an essay) of 6-8 pages (approximately 2000 words) analyzing an important issue or process of change that you see happening in your “world.” This could be a shift in family patterns, in social relationships, in cultural forms, in economics, or (possibly) in politics. Discuss issues such as:
- the kinds of development that you see happening over a specific period of time
- how you are aware of the shift (comparison and illustration with examples)
- why these changes are happening–that is, what are the pressures? (i.e., causes)
- what are the results of these changes, good or bad? (i.e., effects)
- why this is a significant issue, and for whom? That is, who cares?
Your first step is to brainstorm your main idea (thesis). This main idea will be the answer to a significant question, and it will
Think carefully about “real-world” situations or interesting facts that illustrate and support the ideas that you are presenting; make these examples as vivid, interesting, concrete, and specific as possible.
Decide what points you will include and exclude. Then break the main idea into parts that will be the basis for the organization of the paragraphs for the body of the essay. List the ideas and specific details that you will use to support your points. Use this information to develop an informal outline of the essay.
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