Discuss on the Lack of Access to Care as a Factor that Impacts Health Delivery System
Logic models are used to illustrate the resources, activities, inputs, outputs and short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes of a program to evaluate its effectiveness. For the Discussion, share with your peers the topic you have chosen for the Unit 9 Assignment, and how you will go about creating a logic model to address one of the many challenges the health delivery system faces.
Assignment Directions:
There are many forces that impact health delivery systems. Choose one aspect that influences how health delivery systems are challenged, and describe the issue. Examples include, but are not limited to, access to care, quality health care improvement, lack of coordinated care, continuity of care (medical home), etc.
After reviewing the Logic Model Development Guide from the readings, create a logic model for a new program you would like to fund to address this impact on the health delivery system. Discuss how the program can be applied to reduce the impact on the health delivery system.
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