Discuss the Gulfstream or more specifically in our region of South Florida

Discuss the Gulfstream or more specifically in our region of South Florida

Discussion 2
We are fortunate to have one the most studied currents right off our doorstep, The Gulfstream or more specifically in our region of South Florida, it is actually called the Florida Current. The reason for such intense academic interest is that Gulfstream is immensely important globally, regionally as well as locally.
Identify and describe one these features and indicate whether it is of global, regional, or local importance. It is also possible to be any combination of the above mentioned three.
Briefly describe one research project, including outcomes, involving the Gulfstream. It is sufficient to read the brief abstract of the research paper in order to extract the required information. It is recommended that Google Scholar search engine be used to do your search although there are also many other suitable options.
Reply to one of your classmates with commentary of substance.


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The Florida Current

Words: 279