Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Bioethics and life support of two of the most controversial topics in the more recent history of healthcare cases. Some have presented issues on fraudulent and improper billing, as well as false statements to protect bioethical issues.
Using the readings below, summarize your thoughts on fraud and abuse. Find a legal case or reference in support or refute the case of fraud or abuse (or some form or fraud or abuse, such as negligence). Defend your response. In your response post, respond to an opposing viewpoint
- Managing Legal Compliance in the Healthcare Industry, Chapters 2, 22
- THOMASON, C. (2016). Remembering the Golden Rule: The One with the Gold Makes the Rule. Journal of Healthcare Compliance, 18(4), 59–62. Retrieved from,shib&custid=s9076023&groupid=main&direct=true&db=keh&AN=116756786&site=eds-live
- Federal Officials Ramp Up Healthcare Fraud Violation Investigations. (2017). Same-Day Surgery, 41(6), 1–3. Retrieved from,shib&custid=s9076023&groupid=main&direct=true&db=rzh&AN=123118042&site=eds-live
- Sade, R. M. (2016). Introduction: Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatrics. The Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics: A Journal Of The American Society Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(2), 228–230. https://doi-org/10.1177/1073110516654117
- Charlebois, K., Palmour, N., & Knoppers, B. M. (2016). The Adoption of Cloud Computing in the Field of Genomics Research: The Influence of Ethical and Legal Issues. PLoS ONE, 11(10), 1–33. https://doi-org/10.1371/journal.pone.0164347
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