Four basic groups of chocolate

Four basic groups of chocolate
Order Summary

Type of assignment:Essay
Academic level:College Level
Referencing style:MLA
Number of sources:1
Subject:Other / Non-applicable
Client country:United States (US English)
pecific Purpose Statements and Thesis Sentences Activity – due 1/9
Creating Specific Purpose Statements and Thesis Sentences
Create a specific purpose statement AND thesis sentence for each of the following (there are five) for
1. Chocolate
2. Online Classes
3. Social Networking
4. How to Make a Pasta Salad
5. Wildfires
Avoid making persuasively worded or declarative statements, as those are usually more suited for
persuasive presentations. For instance, for a thesis sentence on the topic of chocolate, Instead of saying,
“It is important to eat a piece of dark chocolate everyday.” You could say, “Dark chocolate has many
health benefits.”
You should read my Chapter 11 Notes in Moodle, as well as Chapter 11 in the textbook before
completing this assignment. See also the sample Specific Purpose Statements and the Sample Thesis
Sentences in this week’s section.


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