Explore the different ethics laws that apply to Florida State workers

 Explore the different ethics laws that apply to Florida State workers

and do research and find an ethics opinion involving that law or rule.

Florida administrative agency workers have the ability to petition the Florida Ethics Commission on advisory opinions as to their pending or contemplated actions. The Florida Ethics Commission itself is an administrative agency having jurisdiction over all State governmental workers and Florida State and Local administrative agency workers. Their home page is: http://www.ethics.state.fl.us/Index.aspx (Links to an external site.) If you go to their home page and select the option “research” from the top menu/bar you will have an option to access “ethics laws” (select that option from the pull down menu). Now, explore the different ethics laws that apply to Florida State workers (ie. all administrative agency employees and agency heads). Pick one law or rule from this page: http://www.ethics.state.fl.us/Research/EthicsLaws.aspx (Links to an external site.) and do research and find an ethics opinion involving that law or rule.

To do an ethics opinion you will see a “search” engine link in the right hand top of the homepage of the Florida Ethics Commission. Access that search engine and explore how it works and how to run searches for ethics opinions. Once you feel comfortable with this search tool and you know how to search Advisory Opinions (not statutes, not legislation, not orders) then search for an advisory opinion dealing with any ethical topic of your choice—(you can use the rule or statute as a search term or put phrases in quotes related to your statute) and then do the following:

Part 1: Describe to the class the question posed, who posed it and why. Link the opinion to your first posting. Then, summarize the opinion and final advice rendered by the written opinion and explain the opinions rational.

Part 2:Review two (2) other student’s Posting #1’s and for EACH explain how the public would lose confidence in the person who requested the opinion if that person failed to follow the opinion’s guidance (ie. would that hurt the agency’s reputation in the public’s eye and undermine government in general? why/why not)

word limit: 620