Explain the Staffing Challenges Affecting the Healthcare System
Let me take this opportunity to clarify and provide you with more specific guidance regarding your outline that is due Saturday.
- Closely review the section in our syllabus entitled, “Guidelines for the Capstone Research Paper.”
- From this section in our syllabus, your topic must fit in one of the “Description of Issues in Healthcare” categories under #1 (System, Clinical, Organizational, or Policy). I suggest that you begin your outline with a brief overview (no more than a paragraph) explaining your topic, what you plan to research, etc.
- Also from this section, your outline AND your paper should follow the categories under #4. This means that the shell of your outline (and your paper) should resemble the following:
I Identification of the Issue
II Background
III Problem Analysis/Literature Review
IV Discussion
V Proposed Solutions
VI Conclusions
VII Christian Worldview
Notice that I wrote “…shell of your outline.” Your outline must provide enough details for me to understand each proposed category within your outline. Most outlines should be 1-2 pages (not a paper, not an abstract, not an idea…but an outline). I encourage you to select a topic that is manageable for an 8-10 page paper. For example, “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Healthcare Policies” is not a topic that you would want to attempt to cover adequately in 8-10 pages. Select a topic that can be adequately covered and one that you can find the necessary amount of research.
- You do not need to email me requesting topic approval before Saturday. I will approve/disapprove your topic after I read your overview paragraph and outline. If your outline/topic is approved, you will receive that feedback and you may proceed with your research. If your topic is disapproved, I will ask for a revised outline before a specific date.
- Please do some preliminary research on your topic and make sure that there are ample peer-reviewed studies/publications on your topic.
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