Explain the Impacts of Brand Image

Explain the Impacts of Brand Image

Describe the brand image of the product or firm and provide very specific examples of how they firm’s supports that image

Part 1

To begin, select a brand that you like. Describe the brand image of the product or firm and provide very specific examples of how they firm’s supports that image. Then, select a competing brand and compare and contrast the brand image of the second product to the first. Be very specific and provide detailed examples. You are encouraged to use your own experiences with the product in your discussion. Examples of ads or other promotional activities will be very helpful in evaluating how the firm supports the brand.

Part 2

Your marketing plan assignment this week is create a segmentation analysis for your product or service. For this component you will be required to identify and define the market segments you will target in your plan. It is vital to your success in this assignment that you completed Module Four, including all the activities and the Elder Care Scenario. You may find it helpful to review that material before you begin this assignment.

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