Examine ways in which an organization might attempt to reduce or eliminate discrimination.
3. Some discrimination is a function of the HR system, such as recruiting through word of mouth or referral. Using case studies examine the ways in which an organisation might attempt to reduce or eliminate discrimination.
1. What do you understand by the term ‘wage-effort bargain’? To what extent does it inform your understanding of the ways in which management controls the workforce and the workforce may resist? Give examples to illustrate your points.
(Lecture 3 The Employment Relationship and Lecture 9 Conflict and Resistance at Work)
2. Discuss the view that workers no longer require representation at work by a trade union because, in the 21st century, management already fully takes into account the interests of workers when making decisions that affect them.
(Lecture 5: Management Styles and Labour Market Regulation & Lecture 7 Trade Unions and HRM)
3. Some discrimination is a function of the HR system, such as recruiting through word of mouth or referral. Using case studies examine the ways in which an organisation might attempt to reduce or eliminate discrimination.
(Lecture 13 Discrimination at work)
4. “When they [Polish migrants] first started coming I thought they were really keen workers. Superb workers… But then I found once they get in their comfort zone things change. You find they get into the same league as the rest of them” (Night shift production manager) (Baxter-Reid, 2016: 344). What explains why migrant workers acclimatize themselves to the local work norms over time and should we really be surprised by this?
◦ Baxter‐Reid, H., 2016. Buying into the ‘good worker’ rhetoric or being as good as they need to be? The effort bargaining process of new migrant workers. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(3), pp.337-350.
(Lecture 12 Migrant Workers)
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