Examine the administering of psychotropic medication to children diagnosed with childhood-onset schizophrenia

Examine the administering of psychotropic medication to children diagnosed with childhood-onset schizophrenia

Should children diagnosed with childhood-onset schizophrenia be treated with medication? There is much debate and concern about the risk of treating young children with psychotropic medication, especially as many of these drugs have rarely been tested and approved for use with children. Is it better to prescribe medication that may be potentially dangerous or to leave a child unmedicated when medications may be helpful?Please make sure that your initial response to the question is evidence based and provides facts and statistics from your text book or current research studies. Also be sure to include both in text citations as well as a reference source at the end of your initial response. You must post 3 different responses over the duration of the forum on 3 different days to be considered for full credit.
Please make sure that your initial response to the question is evidence based and provides facts and statistics from the textbook or current research studies. Also be sure to include both in text citations as well as a reference source at the end of your initial response

350 words min

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childhood onset schizophrenia

Word limit :359