Essay- Functionalism and Conflict Theory

Essay- Functionalism and Conflict Theory

PLEASE INCLUDE THE QUESTION WITH YOUR ANSWERSIf you use direct quotes from readings (optional), use proper citation rules

Functionalism and Conflict Theory – Answer the following, aim for 5-7 sentences per question.

1. Describe the Functionalists’ arguments for explaining why there is economic inequality in society.

2. Describe the Functionalists’ arguments for explaining the function of education in society.

3. Describe how the Conflict Theorists’ explanations for economic inequality in society differ from the Functionalists.

4. Describe how the Conflict Theorists’ arguments about the function of education in society differ from the Functionalists.

Wilcox Article – In 3-4 paragraphs, answer the following about Wilcox’s research.

5. How would Conflict Theorists explain the differences between the Smith classroom and the Huntington classroom in the Wilcox article? Be sure to give details from the article about each classroom’s environment, curriculum, and the role of the teacher.

Lareau Book – In 3-4 paragraphs, answer the following about Lareau’s research.

6. Pick two families from the Lareau book – one middle/upper class family and one working class/poor family. How do the child-rearing approaches of “concerted cultivation” and “accomplishment of natural growth” help us understand the classroom socialization happening in the Smith classroom and the classroom socialization happening in the Huntington classroom? In other words, what are the connections between “concerted cultivation” and “accomplishment of natural growth” and what the students are learning in the two classrooms?

Requirements: Thesis Paper | 6 pages, Double spaced/NO OUTSIDE SOURCES

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