Describe enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Describe enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Write a team report on one of the following research topics. The report must include at least one case study to reflect the topic of discussion.
Business process re-engineering after ERP implementation
 Integrating ERP systems with other information systems
 Post implementation modification of ERP systems
 Organizational implications of ERP systems
Cloud-based Enterprise Systems
The following steps are outlined as guidelines for this assessment:

1. Each member of the team is expected to select, and summarise at least three peer-reviewed articles reflecting one of the above-mentioned topics.
This should be included as an Appendix in the team report.
2. As a team, all selected papers should be discussed and integrated, hence forming the team report.
3. The team presentation must include, first, a summary of each team member’s selection, followed by a presentation of the integration of articles as
provided in the team report.
4. Each team is also expected to provide a brief review of another team’spresentation .


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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
