Discuss the Drug abuse and drug treatment

Discuss the Drug abuse and drug treatment.

Discuss the Drug abuse and drug treatment.Webliography Topic 2 Assignment: I choose Drug Abuse and Drug Treatment
Look again at the assignment criteria and the example in Webliographies. Once you have found a website for the topic Drug abuse and drug treatment and having written your critique, submit the webliography here and also post it as an attachment in the Webliography discussion in Unit 15.

Webliography Assignments

General Instructions:
Web sites should be critiqued according to the criteria listed below. You need not address every question listed below, but you do need to address all the major criteria listed in bold print. Furthermore, your webliography entry should include the headings and be organized according those bold headings.
Type your critique in a Word document.Centered at the top of your webliography you should have the topic (unit title, your name, the title of the website you are critiquing and the URL (web address).You should then have a paragraph with a brief overall summary of the site. Then cover the criteria below.See below for a sample.

1. Accuracy:
• Is the information correct? Are sources for factual information (e.g., statistics) clearly stated so that it can be verified in other sources? Is the information you found similar to what you have found in other sources, such as the text book?
• Is information free of grammatical, spelling and other typographical errors?
• Is there evidence of a quality control process? Is information merely an electronic posting of a book or journal article that probably has been through an editorial or peer review process? Is it clearly stated who is ultimately responsible for this information? Is the page signed? Is it sponsored by an institution, association, company, etc.?
2. Authority
• What are the author’s qualifications for writing on this subject? Are the author’s credentials listed? Can this information be verified? Is the author speaking on behalf of an organization?
• Is it clearly stated what organization is sponsoring this page? Is there a postal address and telephone number listed so that you can verify the legitimacy of the organization? An e-mail address is not enough. Going to the Home Page may help who may be the sponsoring agency. Is there a link to the sponsoring agency’s home page? What are the purpose, goals and mission of the sponsoring agency? Often the Internet address can give you clues about he nature or function of the sponsoring organization. For example, gov. means government; edu. means an educational institution; org. means and organization.
• Is the information copyrighted? If so, who is the holder of the copyright?
3. Objectivity
• Is the information presented with a minimum of bias? Pay attention to the language and writing style. Is the information presented in a formal, academic manner or is the language flagrant or exaggerated?
• What is the purpose of the web page? To inform, persuade, sell products? Who is the target audience of the page?
• Is the information free of advertising? If there is advertising, is it clearly distinguished from the information?
• Are opinions clearly distinguished from “facts”?
4. Currency
• Are dates clearly stated for: When written or copyrighted? When first mounted on the Web? When last revised?
• Are the links from the page current?
• Is the information “up to date”?
5. Coverage
• Is the page completed or “still under construction”?
• What topics are included? Are the topics superficially covered or treated in depth?
• Are there links to other sites?
6. Point of View (This is based on the lecture called “Social Welfare Attitudes and Perspectives found in the second unit of the course.)
• Is the author conservative, liberal or radical? What evidence do you have that supports your decision?
• Is the author residual, institutional or developmental? What evidence do you have that supports your decision?

Social Justice and Community
Sandy Krell-Andre
The IGC Progressive Gateway
http://www.igc.org/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The IGC Progressive Gateway is the web site of the nonprofit Institute for Global Communication. Its purpose is to “offer progressive individuals and groups a place on the Internet to learn, meet and organize.” It is divided into Peacenet, Econet, Women Net and Antiracism Net.
1. Accuracy: Although there is a clear bias, the information appears to be correct. This site is composed primarily of links to specific web sites. The ones I researched were well-documented. The information was free of mechanical errors. The institute sponsoring the site is well-described and documented.
2. Authority: Again, the institute’s purpose is described clearly. The members of the Advisory Board are listed, along with their addresses. The sponsor is, as stated above, a nonprofit institute.
3. Objectivity: There is a clear lack of objectivity. The authors are very honest in their progressive bias. However, the majority of the information is presented in an academic manner with a minimum of inflammatory language, although a few of the links seem to be somewhat inflammatory. As stated above, the purpose is to offer a place for like-minded people to exchange information and ideas. They are not trying to sell anything.
4. Currency: The cover articles are very current and timely. (Note to students: I reviewed this website in 2002.) If one reads the information under the About IGC tab, one finds that the organization is 13 years old. The new copyright is 2002.
5. Coverage: There are over 100 links to appropriate sites. The page is complete. Topics appear to be covered in depth, depending on the link one goes to.
6. Point of View: I would say that this organization is liberal, with tendencies toward radical. Their very name, “Progressive,” indicates that they advocate change. They also appear to believe that the government needs to regulate certain aspects of the economy, especially as they apply to military spending and the environment. They appear to be institutional in that they seem to believe that the answer to most social problems is to improve our social institutions, thought there is an element developmental in that they appear to believe that, in improving our institutions, our economy will also improve.


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Drug abuse and drug treatment
