Draw connections between research design and the methodology used in the chosen research
lper, M., Durose, M. R., & Markman, J. (2018). 2018 Update On Prisoner Recidivism: A 9-Year Follow-Up Period (2005-2014) Retrieved from https://www.bjs.gov/
- Draw connections between the research design and the methodology used in the chosen research.
- What methods did practitioners use to protect the validity of their investigations and not project their own assumptions on the empirical evidence? Substantiate your claims. For example, did the researchers document and disclose all their procedures? How was their work grounded in theory?
- What were the ethical considerations in conducting research in this particular field and in addressing this issue? Provide examples from your research to support your response.
Oliver, B. E. (2011). Recidivism: A multi-level explanation (Order No. 3460066). Available from Criminal Justice Database. (876020145). Retrieved from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/
- Draw connections between the research design and the methodology used in the chosen research.
- What methods did practitioners use to protect the validity of their investigations and not project their own assumptions on the empirical evidence? Substantiate your claims. For example, did the researchers document and disclose all their procedures? How was their work grounded in theory?
- What were the ethical considerations in conducting research in this particular field and in addressing this issue? Provide examples from your research to support your response.
Jones, A. E. (2013). Critical success factors for reducing recidivism (Order No. 3560897). Available from Criminal Justice Database. (1362257943). Retrieved from http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/
- Draw connections between the research design and the methodology used in the chosen research.
- What methods did practitioners use to protect the validity of their investigations and not project their own assumptions on the empirical evidence? Substantiate your claims. For example, did the researchers document and disclose all their procedures? How was their work grounded in theory?
- What were the ethical considerations in conducting research in this particular field and in addressing this issue? Provide examples from your research to support your response.
Langan, P. A., PhD., & Levin, D. J., PhD. (2002). Recidivism of prisoners released in 1994: FSR FSR. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 15(1), 58-65. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.
- Draw connections between the research design and the methodology used in the chosen research.
- What methods did practitioners use to protect the validity of their investigations and not project their own assumptions on the empirical evidence? Substantiate your claims. For example, did the researchers document and disclose all their procedures? How was their work grounded in theory?
- What were the ethical considerations in conducting research in this particular field and in addressing this issue? Provide examples from your research to support your response.
Visher, C. A., Winterfield, L., & Coggeshall, M. B. (2005). Ex-offender employment programs and recidivism: A meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1(3), 295-316. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.
- Draw connections between the research design and the methodology used in the chosen research.
- What methods did practitioners use to protect the validity of their investigations and not project their own assumptions on the empirical evidence? Substantiate your claims. For example, did the researchers document and disclose all their procedures? How was their work grounded in theory?
- What were the ethical considerations in conducting research in this particular field and in addressing this issue? Provide examples from your research to support your response.