Discussion Topic: Models for Intervening Client’s Situation.
Preparation: In preparation for this assignment, conduct a session with one of the individual clients assigned to you in your field internship
Setting the stage: Begin by setting the stage for the instructor’s reading of your process recording. Advance your trauma-informed assessment competencies by providing a psychosocial assessment on your individual client including:
Identifying information: client’s name, date of birth, age, address, telephone number, current relationship status, occupation, et
Purpose of the recorded session: goals for the session
Client’s presenting problem or concern and the worker’s reason for involvement with client
Current family and/or household membership: with whom does the client live, social- legal relationship among these people, describe marriage(s) and children, as applicable
Extended family and/or families of origin: description of client’s parents, siblings, and important members of extended family as k Thinking about the ACE scale, identify areas of child maltreatment, family dysfunction, and other possible traumatic events/experiences in client’s life (e.g. bullying, natural disaster, crime victim, community violence, illness/injury, death of loves ones, etc.)
Interpersonal and role functioning: describe client’s relationships with friends, peers, people at work and school; describe client’s primary social roles and relationship among these roles
Education history and intellectual functioning: describe client’s education and training, capacity for abstract thinking, memory, and problem solving; oral and written communication; schools attended, G.P.A., school performance, etc.
Physical functioning: describe current health and medical problems; significant disabilities; use of medication or physical supports
Strengths resilience, and usual ways of coping: describe client’s particular strengths and predominant and habitual ways of coping with life and its stressors; personal attitudes and demeanor; defense mechanisms commonly used to handle troublesome thoughts and emotions
Cultural background, religious beliefs, and spirituality: describe identity with a particular cultural or ethnic group, and the values, beliefs, faith, et that provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life and put life experiences in perspective
Employment: describe types of jobs held, special work related skills and training, schools attended, military service, et
Economic situation, housing, transportation: include income from job and benefits, expenses, debts, financial stressors
Availability, access, and use of community resources: describe client’s current or recent utilization of various social service, health care, financial assistance, legal, educational, and recreational programs
Impressions and assessment: in a few paragraphs, summarize the social workers conclusions and inferences from the above f Think about the client through the lens of trauma to help you understand the client’s presenting problems, maladaptive behavior, and their ways of relating to others. Also explore the ways that historical trauma, oppression, discrimination, or marginalization might impact the client’s relational patterns, decision making, and coping strategies.
PART II: Demonstrating Practice Competence
Process recording:
Introduction: Begin by setting the stage for the instructor’s reading of your paper and your practice illustrati You should:
Describe the client’s primary “complaint” and how it was communicated to you
Provide a succinct portrayal of your practice setting: agency, services offered this client, how specific agency policies support or hinder your work with this client, et
What session is it? (Summarize what has happened so in your work with this client and what has happened up to this point in the sessio)
Process recording: Present a section of a process recording (8-10 contiguous transactions) from the work phase of an interview with your client in which you address at least one particular area of challeng Begin the transcript with the client’s statement. Your practice excerpt should show your advanced clinical practice skills at work and should include identifiable as interventions associated with the practice approach your work with this client represents. At a minimum, your transcript should illustrate at least 2 techniques from the practice approach that guided your work.
Be sure to:
Include the words verbatim said by the client and by you (the worker)
Identify your guess about the client’s viewpoint at the time, and identify your own gut level feelings you had in the moment (use “I” and present tense for both the client view and for your view)
Label the skills used from a particular practice approach and/or your clinical inten
Differentially applying Advanced Practice Approach: Describe the practice approach, and the specific techniques (or specific skills) you decided to use with this client situation. Include:
Review the basic principles organizing the practice approach used in the transcript
Summary of key techniques (or specific skills) of the practice approach selected for this assignment
Discussion of the advantages and limitations of your selected practice approach
Critique of your work by summarizing what went well, and what were your struggles
Describe the way your responses might (or might not) be trauma-informed. How your responses are designed to be respectful, compassionate, validating, and avoid replicating disempowering dynamics? How did you respond (or not) to the relational process that might reflect a client’s sense of vulnerability or threat?
Discussion of worker self-awareness and self-understanding as advanced clinical practice factors in being effective with clients presenting problem.