Discussion topic: Children Emotional Response

Discussion topic: Children Emotional Response

The purpose of this assignment is to have you analyze a form of media (book, tv show, movie), and
explain how children of different ages will understand your chosen concept. For this assignment, you
need to choose a children’s book, television show, movie, or video game. I then want you to discuss
how much children of different ages (you choose the ages, but you should discuss 3 different ages) will
understand the content in your choice of media in regards to emotions, theory of mind, OR morality.
Upload your assignment by the due date in Word or PDF format.

1.Give the reference for your media choice. (.05)
2.What are the 3 age groups you will be examining? (.05)
3.Which concept (emotions, theory of mind or morality) will you be exploring in the your media
choice? Briefly give a definition/explanation of your concept. (1 mark)
4.Take each age group and discuss, in 1 paragraph (per age group), how the children from each age
group will understand your media choice in regards to the concept chosen in question 3. You will need
to start with a brief 1 paragraph description of your chosen media, then get into the discussion of the
age differences. (10 marks)
Writing: Organization, spelling, grammar (3 marks)
**What I am looking for is you understand the developmental differences in your chosen age
categories with regards to the concept you have chosen. You are using a form of media to demonstrate
how children interpret/respond/understand differently according to their ages**

word limit:850