Discussion prompt about cryptography.

Discussion prompt about cryptography.

Case Project 4-1

Most common input values for cryptographic algorithms are salts, nonces, and initialization vectors. Search the Internet for information regarding each of these. How are they used? What are their strengths? How can they be compromised? Write one page combined report for each of three values.

2. Case Project 4.3

Operating Systems come packaged with many digital certificates from certificate authorities (CAs). Use the Internet to determine how to view the CAs for the type and version of Operating System that you are using and view the list. How many have you heard of and you familiar with? How many are unknown? Select three of the publishers and research the organizations on the Internet. Write a one page summary with your findings.

Remember to provide a list of online resources used for homework #2.


Ciampa, Mark, Chuck. Security + Guide to Network Security (6thed.). Cengage Learning,

ISBN: 978-1337288781

word limit:500