Discussion board-Awareness Information

Discussion board-Awareness Information

post a response to one of the Review Questions and/or one of the Preview Questions. Try to answer a question that has not yet been answered, but if that’s not possible, it’s okay.

Review Questions

1. Do you have questions about any of last week’s readings: Youth to Power Chapter 3, particularly pages 26-32 and 38-42, and Chapter 5; and Challenge Everything Part 2 (pages 19-67) – Challenge Big Business

2. What do you consider the most important information or idea(s) in Chapters 3 (persuasive writing) and/or 5 (art and messaging) of Youth to Power?

3. Did reading the Challenge Big Business section of Challenge Everything change your mind or inspire you in any way about climate change and/or about activism?

4. If you are considering writing a non-fiction work for our final assignment, did reading this section of Challenge Everything inspire you in any way?

Preview Questions

1. What do you see as the benefits, drawbacks, challenges, and possibilities of social media for spreading awareness about social issues and engaging people to act on social issues?

2. Have you ever challenged your government–local, state, or federal–in any way, for example through a protest of some kind? What was the issue, how did you express your position on it, and what was the outcome?

3. If you read the article/watched the video linked at the top of this page, did it change your feelings in any way about Blue Sandford (the author of Challenge Everything) or about activism, direct action, or challenging big business and/or government? Here is another news article about the action, and here is a statement from climate activists about the HS2 project and about the tunnel action.

Requirements: 1

Answer preview:

word limit:378