Discuss the roles neuropath and patient.

Discuss the roles neuropath and patient.

Collect info from the following and answer both parts.






Answer following questions

1.) Describe the main points of the role that the Naturopath plays in two to three sentences.

2.) Describe the main points of the role that the patient of Naturopathy plays in two to three sentences.

3.) Identify and explain 1 issue for each person-the doctor and the patient- that could get in the way of this treatment method. I encourage you to think about what kinds of challenges you experience when you are making lifestyle changes?

4.) Identify at least 1 benefit that can be experienced for a person choosing Naturopathic medicine, specifically with regards to these roles played by the doctor and patient.

Support with evidence and experience.


As a therapist, a teacher and a patient, one of the key areas of difficulty that I have discovered when asking others or myself to make a lifestyle change is how to manage the problem of expectations and judgments. Being able to develop awareness about needed changes is important but it is also important to be able to develop self-compassion for your process and learn to take one step at a time rather than putting too much expectation on oneself at one time. Expecting too much too soon can really get in the way of long term sustained lifestyle change.

To help you slow down and develop a non-judgmental attitude towards yourself and your body, you have a chance to learn and practice a mindfulness process, called a body scan, and write about your experience. It is a researched method used as a stress management tool and aligns with the principles of Naturopathy. We will look at mindfulness more in-depth in Module 5 and this week’s focus, along with the mindful eating exercise we did in the first week of this module, will allow you to deepen your understanding.

Read the guidelines and follow the steps that direct you in the body scan. Then reflect. About a page is all I need.


word limit: 858