Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations

Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations

Assignment Questions

Question 1:

Explain the concept of Knowledge management. Discuss the role of knowledge management in present day organizations. (1 Mark)

Question 2:

  • Describe how the major types of knowledge are transformed in the Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge spiral model of KM. Use a concrete example to make your point. (1 Mark)
  • Which transformations would prove to be the most difficult? Why?(0.5 Mark)
  • Which transformation would prove to be easy? Why? (0.5 Mark)
  • What other key factors would influence how well the knowledge spiral model worked within a given organization? (0.5 Mark)

Question 3:

  • In what ways is the Choo and Weick KM model similar to the Nonaka and Takeuchi KM model? In what ways do they differ? (1 Mark)
  • Why is it difficult to directly codify tacit knowledge? (0.5 Mark)


Requirements: 800 -1000

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