Discuss the foundations of business management.

Discuss the foundations of business management.

Foundation Business Management Summative assignment brief & rubrics
Using the organization below, prepare a written report that includes the following information:
1. Explain in detail how external factors affect the company’s structure.
2. Explain in detail HRM could support managers activities via an operational, a tactical and a strategic
perspective in the company.
3. Explain in detail which leadership style is appropriate in the company to improve productivity and
motivation levels with an organization. Contrast with other leadership styles
4. Explain in detail the role of team culture in the development of corporate social responsibility policies
for your company.
Companies to choose from:
Arkadium, Filtrine Manufacturing, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Inspira Marketing, WikiHow

Word count guide approx. 1500 words.
The task must be submitted via Turnitin on Moodle.
Assignment launch: Week 5
Assignment deadline: Week 8
This task is worth 60% of your overall grade for this subject.
Learning Outcomes
The management concepts in the rubric below refer to the following Learning Outcomes:
 Understand the interdependence between the Organization, its environment and the choice of organizational
 Describe the importance of HRM and its consequences for an organization’s performance.
 Determine the impact of leadership styles on an organization effectiveness and efficiency.
 Illustrate the importance of Organizational culture, team management, motivation and leadership.


word limit:1413